Deepening, widening, focusing: How to navigate transnational university cooperation into the future?

pondělí 12. prosince 2022 8:30 13:30



We are at a tipping point for transnational university cooperation in Europe. What is and should be the purpose of working across borders? Do current formats work in the new reality? What else may we need? How should we deal with present challenges and what does the future hold? These and more questions will be discussed at the EUA event on transnational university cooperation that will take place on 12 December (8.30-13.30) onsite at Blue Point, Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels. In addition, it will be streamed. This event will bring together university representatives, higher education and research stakeholders and European level policy makers to discuss and to inspire a reflection about the future taking account of current challenges and external developments. Over the past decade, the emergence of strategic partnerships and alliances has contributed to deepening cooperation while expanding it to new partners. In parallel, diverse forms of cooperation exist across bilateral student mobility, joint programmes, peer to peer research collaboration, small to large scale cooperation projects and much more. In Europe and beyond, the paradigm has long been the more mobility and cooperation the better. But as we shift from the Covid-19 pandemic into a major geopolitical crisis and the sustainability challenge becomes more apparent many paradigms are changing, and this also impacts transnational university cooperation. With the pilot phase of the European Universities Initiative coming to an end and the mid-term review of current EU funding programmes already approaching, this is an important period for Europe’s universities to take stock and reflect on what we need and where we want to go. This reflection must take account of the wider context and major developments without getting carried away by them. It is a time to focus.

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